A little fanart made to tribute Enslaved: Odyssey to the West. I finished it just a few days ago and really enjoyed the game. To me, it was really underrated for a game with this quality to not get more attention. The Environment was awesome, the Story was great, and the little cut scene FMV's were very enjoyable. The only down side was the gameplay which was very easy. It was just a basic hack and slash, but it did coup well with the other stuffs you do inbetween. Things like swinging and climbing around, the nimbus cloud water surfings, and the boss fights were very fun. Anyway, do give it a try if you haven't played it yet.
Hey Ben! wow looong time no talk eh? ur stuff is getting more and more amazing...
Thanks for the comment Ben! great work, especially love the figures
So good ben.....wow even got Jparked to comment soooooooooo jealous haha :P
Thanks rebecca, yes, its been a long time!
Thanks alot Jparked, thanks for coming by!
Yes Janice, I know!! hahaha
Wonderful characters.
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