Today was the announcement for the winners of Into the Pixels of 2011, and I'm glad to say that one of my piece that I did for Bioshock Infinite was selected!! I'm not going to say too much about it, please do go take a look if you're going to E3 this year )
Check out the official link at:
*edit- and here's my little moment of glory at E3 2011
great work Ben, congratulations!
Sweet piece Ben, well deserved! Looking forward to seeing the game at E3, been hearing really good things.
Grats! This is a great piece for sure :)
Wooow this is soo cool!!
Mr. LO....THIS IS BRILLIANT! CONGRATULATIONS AS WELL :) you are a super talent and you very much deserve it.
Hope all is well buddy
Thank you everyone! I'm really excited cause I will be able to go this year. Hopefully I'll be able to see some of you there.
congrats yooooo awesome piece
this is great!
Ben, your work is SO AMAZING! I pulled a couple of my artist friends/co-workers over and we were gawking and drooling over your blog. I don't know how you do it. This piece is phenomenal, congratulations!
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