Monday, February 18, 2008

Character 6 + 7

Character 7

Elf Hunter Rynn is Showing off with her legendary bow Rykious. Her main role in the elf Village Kelethin is to repel the novie orcs and kill down the annoying long grass.

Photoshop CS2

Character 6

"WhAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT!?" Angry Fisher Woman is having a horrible day, She caught Malvin in her right arm and cokes the poor fish to death =/.

Photoshop CS2


Garrett Hanna said...

Hotness Ben. 7 Down, 93 to go.

Damian said...

The elf girl is pretty hawt.

I also like #4 and #5(especially #5).

Marco Bucci said...

cool stuff!

Ben Lo said...

haha, thanks guys )